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My Approach

I have a  strong belief that healthy sleep habits make for healthy children. A well-rested child is curious, energetic, happy, playful, and eager to learn.


My techniques are tailored to your child's age and personality, as well as your parenting approach and individual circumstances. I recognise that each child is different and always take the time to build up a full history of your child’s sleep habits and all the factors that affect them, like feeding and nutrition, day time routines, temperament, health, allergy, developmental phases, mobility, siblings, childcare and home environment, before making any recommendations. 

My role as a sleep trainer is to help you understand what falls within a normal range and why your child is behaving in the way that they are, and then give you the knowledge, techniques and confidence to optimise the environment for sleep, help your child into a consistent routine that's age-appropriate and phase out sleep associations or overcome habitual waking, so that they learn to sleep independently.  Typically, a plan might be for 2-3 weeks and most children respond quickly, but others may require a more gradual approach, especially if they are still feeding lots at night, not yet in their own room or they're experiencing change (developmental or external factors). 


When you contact me by email, we will discuss the nature of the problem, your aims for sleep training and how I can help you. If you’re happy to go ahead, I will ask you to complete a questionnaire and keep a 48-72 hour diary, which will help us see your child’s sleep in a realistic light and enable me to put together a targeted sleep plan.


A little note about the “crying” question – as people regularly ask me about whether my solutions involve “crying it out,” I think it’s something that deserves to be addressed here.

Crying is your child’s way of protesting, and you can expect that making changes to their sleep habits will result in some protest. That’s why I’m always sure to tell parents that my program will, most likely, involve at least some amount of protest on the child’s part.


If you have any questions at all please don’t hesitate to ask! I can be reached by email at

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